Friday, May 31, 2013

Pee Party

I was finally starting to come to terms with the reality that not only was Mitt Romney not elected President, but that no states were making serious efforts at seceding. Then, to add insult to injury, it was looking more and more like Obama was going to be able to serve out his entire second term without impeachment when, in a flash, the IRS, like manna from heaven, dropped Grace in the form of a bunch of incompetent bureaucrats “illegally” targeting Tea Party conservative groups’ tax exemption applications, apparently (fingers-crossed) at the behest of Obama’s re-election campaign. Huzzahs all around! I mean, I’m obviously outraged, both as a white male and a (totally not-racist) Tea Party Facebook fan. I was beginning to count these guys (and let’s be honest, they’re mostly guys) out, after their almost complete failure to maintain any semblance of relevance in the 2012 election cycle. But now we know why- the oppressive Obama administration sabotaged any hope for the Tea Party through its henchmen at the IRS! Makes the most sense, right? It couldn’t have been because of their quasi-racist, misogynist, McCarthian lunatic fringe candidates spouting off paranoid doomsday scenarios like a Greyhound bus station full of Glen Becks could it? NO way!

I was thrilled in 2010 when the so-called "Tea Party" burst on the scene and was confident this rag-tag collection of seemingly half-witted rabble-rousers would survive, and dominate, the political landscape. In the age of YouTube and instant media these are a refreshing bunch who harken back to a time when you could still tell jokes about executing gays and not have to apologize. I thought Janet Reno killed all the Branch Davidians in Waco back in '93... apparently a few slipped out the back. And then you have "Tea Party" rallies consisting of angry (mostly) middle-aged white Ron Paul voters who (likely) are owners of the entire Left Behind series because, well, you can never be too prepared for the Rapture. And I'm sure none of these people make up the 14% of Americans who believed Obama "might be the Antichrist." Like all good right-wing extremists, they're packing heat.

The Tea Party, at its core, claims to be about small government and lower taxes. And guns, lots of guns. But what they're mostly about is "Restoring Honor." What's honor? Flags and white people, mostly. Fiscal responsibility? These people do it right.  They are the kind of folks with balls big enough to claim the Government is going to suffocate their grandchildren in national debt while they spend their retirement money driving RV's across the country (on roads paid for and maintained by tax dollars), hopping from CVS to CVS filling their Medicare-subsidized prescriptions and cheering while people rant about paying too much taxes.

And now, at long last, they've finally "really" been persecuted. What gall, for the IRS to give extra scrutiny to a group that advocates for abolishing most, if not all of the Federal Government and is extremely "prepared" (read: ecstatic) for an armed revolution against the Obama administration. Come on Barack, these groups should be running amok just like the rest of them. Nobody's going be dumb enough to blow up a Federal building again, right?

Whether anyone from the IRS goes to jail, I'm just glad this controversy has revived these brave bunch of patriots from the seeming brink of irrelevance. I would have missed watching these crowds of perturbed retirees rage against the government on government-provided property with government-assisted hearing/heart rhythms/continence. I'm with them all the way, down with Government! Down with Medicare! If I can't afford Depends I'll just pee my pants like my freedom-fighting forefathers! Free to be me, free to pee! God bless the U.S.A.

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