Wednesday, September 17, 2008

NordSense Humanitarians of the Year: Doug and Jackie Christie

With only 3 months remaining in 2008, NBA "power couple" (huh?) Doug and Jackie Christie have locked up the highly coveted NordSense Humanitarian(s) of the Year Award. It marks the first time in the history of the award that co-winners have been named.

Last year's winner, Margaret Trask, earned the honor by courageously purchasing thousands of dollars worth of cat food to save the miserable creatures from potential poisoning. This year, Doug and Jackie Christie have seemingly raised the bar by pledging to buy 3,000 shares of corporate stock to assist with the AIG crises and "raise awareness and promote others to do the same."

According to the article, the Christies simply could not stand by and watch as one of the world's largest insurance companies faced imminent disaster, and called on all Americans to do the same:

'"We encourage all our fellow men and woman to buy at least two stocks to help with the global economic crisis," said Jackie Christie. "We want everyone to step up and help in any way that they can. This is a huge crisis we face, but together we can make a difference. Do not just sit by and watch."'

I can't applaud these people enough. If there's any cause more worthy of the world's attention than an insurance company in danger of collapse, I can't think of one. I really hope other celebrity do-gooders like Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates follow in the Christies' heroic footsteps so we can stop hearing about trivial causes like poverty, AIDS and lack of education in third-world countries. Time to get with the program guys, and starting helping out those who need it most- insurance companies!

So big thanks to Doug and Jackie Christie for calling attention to AIG's financial woes. I don't know what I would do in a world without AIG. I especially wouldn't know how to enjoy the NCAA tournament without all of those awesome AIG ads every other timeout. And now I have another excuse not to give money to poor people. "Sorry, pardner, I'd love to help you find shelter for the night and a warm meal, but Doug and Jackie Christie have made me realize that it's my duty as an American to buy corporate stock so some CEO doesn't have to sell one of his houses or, God forbid, one of his African big-game hunting farms. Maybe next time."

Doug and Jackie Christie, the world owes you.