Thursday, December 10, 2009

Susan Boyle

A co-worker was listening to Susan Boyle in her cubicle the other day. Yeah, she's a great success story and all, but I think someone forgot to tell her we already have a Celine Dion, and we definitely don't need another one, ever.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Change the pic on this reversible zombie shirt to a Michael Jackson circa nose problems face and I'm sold. That's some scary shit!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jon & Kate Update

Apparently Jon & Kate from that awesome reality show on TLC are planning a big announcement. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for double-suicide. C'mon Jon & Kate, do it for the kids.

Twittersweet Symphony

I never thought I would dignify Twitter with more than 5 seconds of brain power, but then again I didn't think I would ever watch a full season of American Idol, either. The downward spiral continues. Speaking of downward spirals, the reason for this Twitter tangent in the first place: Trent Reznor.

In a recent interview, the (former) Hard-Core-Goth-Industrial-Turn-Your-Kids-Into-Devil-Worshippers-Rock-God-Bad-Ass said Marilyn Manson had "become a dopey clown," which is actually kind of funny (cause it's true). But taking cheap shots at the (former) Antichrist Superstar is not all that Reznor's been up to. According to the article:
Earlier this year, Reznor engaged in a Twitter battle with Chris Cornell after offering a less-than-enthusiastic review of Cornell’s album Scream.
Really? The Nine-Inch-Nails rock icon in a "Twitter battle" with someone? And with Chris Cornell, no less, another (former) hard rock icon? What has the world come to? I would totally expect this out of Brett Michaels and his hair band ilk, and obviously pretty much anyone in the rap/R & B genre, but Reznor and Cornell? Actually, after Audioslave I can see it from Cornell, but Reznor is a disappointment.

For some reason I guess I actually thought Reznor had to be as hard-core has his music would imply, if only because it seems like you'd have to be pretty intense to produce the stuff he does. But then again I used to think the same thing about Metallica, so I really should have known better. It's just a bit of a let down that now whenever I hear a bad-ass Nine Inch Nails song I'm going to picture Trent Reznor Twitter-battling his latest nemises in between takes. "Sorry guys, gotta lay down that vocal track tomorrow. Cornell's really hammering me on Twitter right now."

It's just another example of how the Internets are helping celebrities destroy themselves better than they ever could before. They just can't help it. Gone are the good old days when recording artists talked shit to each other in their videos and album liner notes, with the occasional back-stage melee thrown in for good measure. Now, with their very own blog feuds and Twitter battles, it's easier than ever for stars to prove who's the bigger self-important jackass. (Spoiler: It's a tie between all of them). And if you're wondering whether a winner has been declared in the Reznor-Cornell Twitter spat, don't - they both lose.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol is So Gay

Not gay as in homosexual gay, but gay in that it is so gay that America was too afraid to make a gay American Idol. Really? You'd rather give the trophy to the poor man's John Mayer just because he's straight and Christian? Oh, but you're the same people that fawn over all the gay figure skaters in the Olympics and watch night after night of prime-time television written mostly by homosexual Jews.

"Will & Grace is so funny, and I know it's fiction so there's nothing to be afraid of."

I'll admit I was getting a little scared. With the election of a black man as President I was starting to worry that this country was forgetting everything it was founded on (fear and hatred). Thank Science we have social experiments like American Idol to prove otherwise.

Not that it really matters anyway, and in a way, I'm actually glad Adam Lambert isn't the American Idol. That is a stank that doesn't wash off- it's like a big nasty asterisk at the end of any great career- Kelly Clarkson *American Idol; Carrie Underwood *American Idol... Adam doesn't need American Idol, and he doesn't need a bunch of do-gooding Danny Gokey fans to validate his talent. He is going to dominate the music scene, and when he does, he won't have the "well he won American Idol, the show is manufacturing his career" stigma.

It's just amazing that millions of people felt the need to prevent Lambert from winning, rather than voting because they truly were fans of the other guy, which is obviously what ended up happening. Like Adam Lambert winning American Idol would be some kind of threat to humanity. Because if a gay wins American Idol, all the kids are going to decide to be gay!! The horror! It's the same type of people that think gay marriage and government bailouts are going to trigger the apocalypse. But that's OK, if these people "feel better" knowing that Adam Lambert is not the American Idol, that's fine. They don't have to buy his records, watch him on TV winning Grammys, or read the thousands of magazines he'll undoubtedly be on the cover of in the coming decades. They'll probably get a little tired of hearing him all over the radio, but at least they can still turn on Rush and go to sleep knowing they did their part to keep America safe, and the AI trophy out of Lamberts gay little hands, cause God knows what he'd go home and do with it! Congrats, America, for keeping it a "family" show...

Here's the scary gay making people gay with his voice and terrorizing the masses:

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

What's the Square Root of 'Retarded'?

These are desperate times, and people are apparently increasingly desperate for something to celebrate. Today, for example, is "Square Root Day" for "math fans" across the world. It is "Square Root Day", they say, because the date is 03/03/09 and the square root of 9 is 3. The last "Square Root Day" was supposedly 02/02/04, and the next will be 04/04/16. Amazing.

I hate to be a buzz killington, (actually I don't), but these alleged "math fans" are not only pathetic, they are pathetically wrong. I don't know if anyone's told them, and I can't be the first to point out, that today is actually 03/03/2009, which would mean "Square Root Day" 03/03/09 actually took place exactly 2000 years ago, on March 3, 0009 C.E. And technically, much to the chagrin of "math fans" everywhere, the last real "Square Root Day" actually occurred on December 12, 144 C.E., and will never occur again as long as we use a Gregorian calendar.

Sorry "math fans", but your "Square Root Day" is a fraud. I thought "math fans" were more precise than this, but I guess when you're a "math fan" you take your excitement where you can get it. So have fun when you write the date today, and bask in the wonderment that you'll never have a fake "Square Root Day" again for seven years. Or don't think about it at all and you probably won't even notice.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shocker of the Week

Anybody see a problem letting this guy "take care" of your kids for awhile? Apparently these people didn't. And, in the shocker of the week, he has been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing at least a couple of kids at the day care he owned and operated out of his house.

Who'd have thunk it? Looks like a huggable old buddy bear of a guy to me. I mean, if I saw him at the park grab-assing kids on the merry-go-round I'd be sure he's just a playful old prankster that loves a good game of butt-tag, definitely not a skeezy pathological chomo. But what do I know? I guess these days you just can't trust anyone, not even sketchy Jerry from down the street who always has kids over...

What is a parent to do? I suppose maybe NOT handing Billy and Suzy over to the guy who might as well have "I AM GOING TO MOLEST YOUR CHILDREN" tattooed on his forehead would be a good start. Any parent who thought it was a good idea to leave their kids with this guy should probably get the same prison sentence he does. Unless I'm being too harsh and he just doesn't photograph well...