Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shocker of the Week

Anybody see a problem letting this guy "take care" of your kids for awhile? Apparently these people didn't. And, in the shocker of the week, he has been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing at least a couple of kids at the day care he owned and operated out of his house.

Who'd have thunk it? Looks like a huggable old buddy bear of a guy to me. I mean, if I saw him at the park grab-assing kids on the merry-go-round I'd be sure he's just a playful old prankster that loves a good game of butt-tag, definitely not a skeezy pathological chomo. But what do I know? I guess these days you just can't trust anyone, not even sketchy Jerry from down the street who always has kids over...

What is a parent to do? I suppose maybe NOT handing Billy and Suzy over to the guy who might as well have "I AM GOING TO MOLEST YOUR CHILDREN" tattooed on his forehead would be a good start. Any parent who thought it was a good idea to leave their kids with this guy should probably get the same prison sentence he does. Unless I'm being too harsh and he just doesn't photograph well...

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